Guanyadores del premi MENTS DESPERTES!

La Natalia, la Lídia, l’Adriana i la Clara, alumnes de 3r d’ESO, van presentar un vídeo al concurs #MentsDespertes, organitzat per l’associació SOM VIA. Aquesta associació, entre altres aspectes, es dedica a l’acompanyament i l’ajuda terapèutica de persones amb malalties mentals i altres trastorns. 

“Ments Despertes” és un programa formatiu per la prevenció, promoció de la salut i lluita contra els estigmes.

Les alumnes de 3r d’ESO van fer un projecte i un estudi sobre el tema, el producte del qual va ser la creació d’un vídeo. “Ana i Mia”, ha estat el vídeo guanyador de la categoria d’ESO, d’entre 38 participants. Presenta una visió sensible i acollidora vers els que pateixen qualsevol tipus d’enfermetat o situació difícil.

La Clara, una de les components de l’equip, vol compartir les seves sensacions en el moment de fer aquest treball, amb aquest breu escrit: 

When we first knew about this project, we knew exactly what we were going to do about it and how. During the process of creating the script, we had faced a problem, one of our group members, Natalia, who had the whole idea in her head, was feeling sick. Luckily it wasn’t anything serious, and we managed to finish the script. Since we decided to record the film outside the school, and Adriana, one of our group members, couldn’t come, we invited a friend from another school to help us. We had a wonderful time. Although the process of editing the video was hard, Natalia managed to finish it in time. We sent the video and waited to see it in class. When our teacher Anna told us that we were going to go to the “gala”, we were really excited, we couldn’t believe that our video would arrive that far, and sincerely we wouldn’t even imagine our video winning the ESO category. I remember my anxious feeling, my heart beating faster and faster, and when they said our name, we all couldn’t believe it. It was an experience I would definitely repeat with the same teammates.

Clara Pérez